Go for a real-life stroll through your favourite video game

Take the next step to connect the virtual world and the real world.


As our lives become increasingly digital, opportunities to create products that bring together the virtual world and the physical world are increasing.


The Omni treadmill device allows you to play your favourite videogames. And not just play them armed with a console or perched at your PC. It allows you to move with the game, and have your on-screen character run, jump and crouch your way through the game.


The strengths of this idea are already available: the immersive power of videogames combined with the huge market of gamers.


Can you think of an idea that brings a new dimension to virtual gaming, or interaction? Next time you’re using technology, try to catch those half-thoughts of “wouldn’t it be great if I could just…” and start building a business idea around it.