Consumers warm to iPhone-friendly gloves

start-up-idea-muji-glovesFor those who commute to work via bus or train, cold winter mornings are a harsh reality, with many bored travelers whipping out their smartphones to make the journey go quicker.


However, normal gloves don’t work with capacitive touchscreens because they insulate you electrically as well as thermally. Japanese designer Muji solves that problem.


Muji’s black-and-grey gloves have fine strands of silver yarn woven into the acrylic-spandex fabric, so the gloves conduct the natural current of the wearer’s skin.


The end result? You can use a touchscreen as if you were using a bare finger. The yarn is woven all through the fabric too, so there’s no area where the gloves won’t work.


The gloves, which can be used for iPhones, iPads and Android devices, come in a wide array of colours.


It was only a matter of time before someone designed a pair of gloves to wear while using a mobile phone. What other products could become more mobile-friendly?


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