Web Marketing Experts

Founders: Nick Bell
Revenue: $2.8 million
Started: 2009
Head Office: Victoria
Employees: 40
Industry: Internet

Nick Bell was operating his own website when he engaged the services of an online marketing firm. He quickly realised that he could offer a broader, and better, service himself so set about creating his new venture.


Web Marketing Experts is a full service online marketing company that provides a wide range of tools to help Australian businesses market their business online; from website design to search engine optimisation and Google AdWords.


Since launching in 2009, the business has expanded from its Melbourne home to Sydney, Singapore, Dubai, Los Angeles and Vietnam, with plans underway to open offices in Hong Kong and Thailand this year.


The client base now numbers over 1,000 businesses, including MTV, Virgin Airlines and Allied Pickford, while revenue is $2.8 million.


Bell has targeted a broad base of potential clients. While rivals have gone after just the top end of town, Web Marketing Experts have banked upon an online boom among smaller businesses.


The founder says that a key challenge is “Google constantly changing and updating their algorithms which affect the search results for our clients. We are constantly having to research and learn new techniques to keep us and our clients ahead of the competition.”