Smart50 Workplaces 2023: Wisr

Wisr team photo

Category Top Performer: Culture and Employee Experience

Founder: Anthony Nantes
Head of HR, people and culture: Kate Renner
Headquarters: Sydney, New South Wales
Year founded: 2017
Employees: 100-200
Industry: Financial services

To guarantee a top-performing employee experience and internal culture, Wisr needed to implement a hybrid infrastructure to support employees remotely and at the office, “creating a digital environment that reflected the in-office culture through initiatives that would ensure all employees feel supported and included”.

It has formed a people and culture committee, which works closely with the employee engagement team. The committee is a cross-sectional group of employees from across the business that delivers initiatives and provides employees with access and ownership of the culture as champions of initiatives on the ground.

As finances are now a top stressor for many Australians, Wisr provides a $500 annual wellness reimbursement — six free counselling sessions through Uprise and free access to Udemy courses for all staff. It also provides a weekly complimentary breakfast and free healthy snacks and drinks and a monthly catered dinner.

Hareta McMullin, an EX consultant and founder of Third Space People, was a Smart50 Workplaces guest judge on the Culture and Employee Experience category. “Based on its detailed entry,” she said, “Wisr has a clear employee experience strategy in place and impressed with the thoughtfulness and sophistication of its initiatives.

“With clear data and proof points to back up its claims, it does not simply talk the talk, it walks the walk.”

Culture and values at Wisr

  • Leaning into learning: Lead with curiosity and ask why. Run experiments, speak up when you have an idea, suggestion, question. Upskill and cross-skill.
  • Customer obsession: Give customers the best possible experience, seek out and actively share customer feedback (via Slack, Town Hall) — the good, the bad and the ugly.
  • Taking responsibility: Be responsible for your performance; do what you say you’re going to do; be honest with yourself, your team and your leader when you fall short or aren’t going to meet a deadline or goal.
  • Being a stunning colleague: Care for your colleagues and our space. Collaborate across the business to get the best outcome.

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