This time-lapse video shows how exhausting it is to work from home with young children
Circle In's Jodi Geddes has shared a time-lapse video showcasing the exhausting chaos many parents are dealing with at the moment.
Five tips for managing a remote workforce, from a CTO who works from a decked-out caravan while travelling Australia
Adopting a remote workforce gives companies access to a greater range of talent than one city could hope to provide.
Communication hacks tried and tested by some of the world’s most successful remote teams
Let’s take a look at what some of the most successful remote teams do to strengthen their communication and bolster their workplace culture.
Should bosses spy on workers? How businesses can solve the COVID-19 productivity puzzle
Monitoring software is on the rise, but experts say those looking for a tool to solve their productivity problems will be disappointed.
This CEO says remote working has made her a better leader: Here are eight reasons why
Inventium CEO Michelle Le Poidevin has been working remotely full-time since 2018, and she says it’s made her a better leader.
Businesses should do like Atlassian and tell employees if they can ‘work from home forever’
Atlassian recently announcement that staff will be free to work from home permanently. And other businesses should follow suit.
Urban sprawl and job clusters: How working from home will reshape the nation
The working from home revolution will see more urban sprawl, job flight to the biggest cities and greater regional economic disparities.
Slow to adjust to this new normal? That’s just your brain learning new skills
As many Australians come to terms with working from home, our brains are, in effect, learning entirely new skills.
Finance professionals most concerned about commuting to work and colleagues not following safety rules: Survey
Australian professionals are increasingly concerned about commuting to work, as some workplaces contemplate making the switch back from entire teams working from home.
Shorter meetings, longer days: How COVID-19 has already changed the way we work
Research is finally being published on how the nature of work has changed for those working from home during COVID-19.
Atlassian makes remote work permanent, to “create the future of work by living it”
Atlassian is allowing employees to move to remote working permanently, if they choose to, in an attempt to “be bold”.
Juggling three roles: Why working parents with young children are especially vulnerable to surging mental distress
Trying to run a business while parenting kids and managing their remote learning is seriously stressful... if not impossible.