IT services group Oakton is hopeful that IT spending will remain robust this year and plans to hire 200 new staff after posting a 35% increa…

IT services group Oakton is hopeful that IT spending will remain robust this year and plans to hire 200 new staff after posting a 35% increa…
Most economists now believe the Reserve Bank board will cut rates in September. The only question; will it cut by a quarter or a half a per …
The slowing economy is causing companies to look for different skills, leading to intensifying demand in highly skilled accounting and finan…
Recruiting and HR outsourcing firm Talent2 has defied the economic gloom plaguing much of the world to post strong revenue and profit growth…
Fears are growing that reforms to the 457 visa scheme being considered by the Federal Government could make hiring overseas workers prohibit…
Information and communication technology businesses are battling to retain staff as the number of new graduates coming into the sector falls…
Qantas will slash 1500 positions from its global workforce as it battles soaring oil prices and weaker economic conditions. Qantas will sla…
Australian companies are poor in promoting local job opportunities overseas, according to a 17-country global survey conducted by internatio…
Billionaire cardboard king Richard Pratt will stand aside as Carlton Football Club president, it was announced this morning. Pratt could fac…
Millions of Australian workers are dissatisfied with their jobs, and would also more likely be happy with a career they had chosen themselve…
The time most chief executives take to rise from their first job to the top of the corporate totem pole is falling, according to new researc…
Jobseeker numbers increased strongly last month as many workers look to boost their wage in response to the rising cost of living.According …