Millennials are far from the unreliable job-hoppers they’re often made out to be. While employees from the noughties may hail from a gener…

Millennials are far from the unreliable job-hoppers they’re often made out to be. While employees from the noughties may hail from a gener…
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick personally interviewed a potential employee for more than 30 hours before eventually giving him the role of CTO of…
By Nick Cloete
When a cafe posted a controversial and overly demanding online job ad for a line cook, it went viral because of its 44-poi…
By Usman W Chohan, UNSW Australia
Ashley, Ashton, Ashish, and Ashanti are four incredibly talented people with outstanding resumes. A cop…
Dear Aunty B, I run a small marketing and social media firm in Newcastle. After securing a number of new clients late last year, I’v…
Graphic design expertise is the most sought-after skill among potential job candidates, according to global freelancing platform Upwork. The…
The earlier you start thinking about diversity in your startup the easier it will be to naturally grow a diverse team in the long run, accor…
“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” – Doug Conant, CEO of Campbell’s Soup Suddenly, we are in Septembe…
Years ago I heard someone suggest that to get to know a candidate, conduct the job interview while they drive you around the block. It sound…
The Myer executive fired over his misleading CV has agreed to plead guilty to three counts of obtaining property by deception. Dubbed the…
Woolworths chief executive Grant O’Brien has resigned from the top job with the grocery giant, but will stay in the role until at least No…
Australian jobseekers are increasingly turning to online channels such as mobile to find jobs but Aussie small businesses continue to use tr…