My new hero (and she’s only 12)

This is my new hero – she’s 12 and her name is Lauren.

What she’s holding up there is her “dream board” full of things she wants to do, earn, be, have, invest in and go to in life.

Lauren’s fabulous parents were constructing their dream boards when Lauren decided off her own back to head to her room and start clipping and searching and planning for her own future. She was so enthusiastic that her board was the first one completed in their house.

It’s an awesome example of someone not content to let life drift by them, someone who wants to reach out and create the life she wants.

Just goes to show you you’re never too young to start dreaming, planning and working towards your goals. Now if she’s 12 and is already a rock star at this – what’s stopping you?


Kirsty Dunphey is the youngest ever Australian Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year, author of two books (her latest release is ‘Retired at 27, If I Can do it Anyone Can’) and a passionate entrepreneur who started at age 15 and opened her own real estate agency at 21. Currently Kirsty heads up the premium online copywriting site for real estate agents and is a co-director of Elephant Property in Launceston,Tasmania’s only boutique real estate agency purely for investment property owners. Kirsty’s other ventures are outlined at her website where you can also sign up for her newsletter.