How to retain employees? Now is the time to listen

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Sourcing and hiring new employees can be a time-consuming exercise. However, observing a number of simple steps could see employers putting this time to better use.

Writing at Inc., Stacey Ferreira, co-founder and chief executive of Forge, observes there are three questions that should be asked by employers and managers when getting a gauge on team sentiment and ensuring morale remains high.

Ferreira notes that these questions serve as a starting point; employers and managers must then determine how best to act upon the responses given.

Do we have a high level of trust?

While an employment offer is typically indicative of a sign of mutual trust between employer and employee, Ferreira notes that there will inevitably be occasions where leaders violate the trust of someone on their team. Sometimes this happens without being aware of having done so.

She says it is therefore important to directly address the issue in seeking to maintain a high level of trust.

Do you feel like you have the space to voice your concerns and be heard?

It’s important to give team members space to voice their concerns, spending time each week listening to ideas, comments and concerns. Ferreira writes that at Forge, she spends 30 minutes with everyone on her team, which she has found to “make all the difference in team morale and cohesion”.

What can I be doing to make you more successful?

Ferreira also recommends taking time to ask how team members can be helped to learn and achieve their goals. This can demonstrate a commitment to making them successful both inside and outside of the workplace. This will also help build loyalty and trust and, most importantly, show that you care.

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