The drama surrounding the shock resignation of David Jones chief executive Mark McInnes for “inappropriate behaviour” towards a female colle…

The drama surrounding the shock resignation of David Jones chief executive Mark McInnes for “inappropriate behaviour” towards a female colle…
A poll of workers in the financial services sector has highlighted a huge gender divide, with the majority of women feeling they are underpa…
It was supposed to be the simple checklist that companies with under 15 staff could use to protect themselves from unfair dismissal claims. …
When internet giant Google uploaded a version of vintage video game Pac-Man on its website this week to celebrate the game’s 30th anniversar…
Small business owners’ determination to hang on to skilled staff forced them to increase wages by 4.3% in 2009, compared to a 3.7% increase …
It’s one of the worst experiences an entrepreneur can imagine – having your business ripped off through fraud. Thousands of small business…
Defining what culture is and how it impacts acquisition success has kept a lot of academics and consultants busy for decades. Even so, we do…
Everyone who has worked in an office has had to sit through at least one. Those long rambling meetings that last for hours and go nowhere. S…
One of the well-known problems of merging activities of a newly acquired firm into those of the buyer is cultural mismatch. It is not just t…
Do you have a self-important employee in your midst? They can’t be as puffed up as this “brain surgeon” from the BBC’s That Mitchell a…
Australian business owners have managed to stay relatively calm during the hectic financial crisis, with a new study showing they recorded l…
Federal Workplace Relations Minster Julia Gillard has thrown her support behind a union test case that will push for $100 a week pay rise fo…