More than 16 million Australians will open their mail today and discover a brand new flybuys card from Coles as part of the supermarket’s …

More than 16 million Australians will open their mail today and discover a brand new flybuys card from Coles as part of the supermarket’s …
It seems only logical that the more interesting a product is to consumers, the more they will talk about it. But the latest research from tw…
By 2016 there will be a predicted two billion ‘smart connected devices’ in the world (source: IDC). If you use your tablet and…
Due diligence. It’s a term, when applied to a merger or acquisition, that refers to time, transparency, and careful consideration of the d…
The news that some employers have asked for direct access to the Facebook accounts – including user names and passwords – of people appl…
Ask most CEOs what’s keeping them awake at night, and they’ll answer keeping and retaining skilled staff. That was the finding of The CE…
According to a 2009 Gallup survey, the majority of Australian workers (82%) are not engaged with their work. This is obviously a problem fro…
Among all the attention given to Australia’s relationship with China, good relations with the other states of Northeast Asia are no less i…
Yesterday I was at the Melbourne Google Enterprise Atmosphere on Tour event, the first of 25 events around the world. I am doing the keyno…
Legal experts say Toyota’s controversial use of selection criteria to make underperforming staff redundant is likely to withstand legal chal…
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Therefore, managers need a formal, cascading set of KPIs (key performance indicators), KPT…
Is customer service a lost art, or are today’s customers harder to please? On the one hand, moments of tear-your-hair-out frustration are co…