Power Play: Draw the best people to your inner circle

This is a tip that Power Players have perfected.

They know they need to have people far, far better than them in order to run the show.

Recruit the very best – even if it stretches the budget, stretches the friendship and stretches your ego.

The most elegant Power Players I know very quickly learn their shortcomings and foibles and then they recruit the shortfall.

The most talented Power Players I know make an easy peace with the idea that their ‘subordinates’ are actually more talented than they are. It shows true grit to employ smarter and better.

Mine always were and when I look at where they are now, I feel a little bit vindicated that I was a decent judge of talent.

To rise to the rank of Power Player, remember this: it is petty and generic to employ dumber and less than what you are. It speaks volumes about your character and the concrete sets very quickly when it comes to reputation.