Power Play: Don’t trash the trashy

We all come across trashy types who have very little class, very little character and only a fraction of decency.

These people are easy targets: which is exactly the reason Power Players leave them alone. Don’t pick on people because you think you can. If they’re trashy, they’ve got enough problems already.

It’s an incredibly low-blow to go after the weaker among us. It’s inelegant and as I once heard (on an episode of The West Wing) it’s the punch Ali never gave Foreman when he knew he was going down.

Power Players never pick on weaklings. Even if they deserve it and even if they misbehave.

Power Players always fight fair. This is an incredibly important lesson because if you pick on a weakling (or someone who has their own crap going on) you’ll never recover.

It’s the kidney punch of business. And it’s low-rent all the way.


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