Why is John Howard trying to get elected by banging on about IR when he should be talking about how to start businesses and remove barriers …

Why is John Howard trying to get elected by banging on about IR when he should be talking about how to start businesses and remove barriers …
One of my entrepreneur friends said to me recently: “If it was easy running a business, wouldn’t everybody do it?” One of my …
It would be easy to miss that morning exercise but I aways feel better for it, and pat myself on the back for passing the first test of the …
Beware election year complacency. There are signs that crises could be created that SMEs won’t like. Everyone is being way too compl…
Recently one of my closest friends died suddenly and unexpectedly…. I find it harder to respect people who are very overweight. Rec…
I’m bombarded by so much information I’ve worked out ways of filtering what I need to know. Here’s how. I often speak to…
I’ve had a think about my growing pains and now I know what I need to do. It’s time for my role to change. Great comments from last we…
I am in a crisis in my journey. Am I the right person to run my business? I have gone silent, I have stopped writing my daily blogs, s…
The federal budget was remarkably silent on any moves to help the small-business sector grow. As both sides of politics are n…
Keeping my feet on the ground has been central to being allowed to have my head in the air. FocusI have worried this week that people who …
The e-season is upon us, in which politicians ensure they are seen to being doing something positive to combat climate change. W…
We’re being deluged with so much information we’re having to listen more carefully – and that means making sure our audiences are payi…