Poor Gerry Harvey. Only two months ago Gerry told SmartCompany he was not spending any more money on his website because it was a w…

Poor Gerry Harvey. Only two months ago Gerry told SmartCompany he was not spending any more money on his website because it was a w…
Following on from last week’s blog Win an award, create a vision, I wanted to help you keep the momentum going. A clear and unified v…
What a success story. Katherine Sampson, the struggling single mum who starts a sandwich shop and ends up with an innovative franchise chain…
I’m in the US, and here things have changed dramatically since my last visit one year ago – and yet no doubt all the problems the world is …
A business owner of a manufacturing company is aghast. His lawyer has just informed him that although his company has only a few employee…
There are two certainties in this time of uncertainty – unemployment figures are set to get a lot worse, and the majority of jobs will be cr…
Just as we see the prophet of financial chaos (Costello) challenge the leader of the wait-and-see movement (Turnbull), there are very real s…
David, an executive coaching client of mine and the owner of a medium sized business, recently raised the issue of some problems he was havi…
Company is singular. This is not a lesson in grammar (although that is one of my personal bugbears – when I see a sentence “company X are do…
Banks cannot do enough for small and medium business – if you believe the PR. They are everywhere, boasting of their willingn…
We all talk about needing one, and yet so many entrepreneurs avoid doing one – creating a vision and plan for their business. I often hear…
Don’t just blame the banks for the credit crisis now affecting businesses. Have a look at the actions of auditors, some of whom are changing…