Stop right there. Are you planning in the near future to let anyone go, make someone redundant or have a discussion with an employee on flex…

Stop right there. Are you planning in the near future to let anyone go, make someone redundant or have a discussion with an employee on flex…
There is every reason to believe that smart companies are going to expand their business base next financial year if they focus on three key…
You can’t pick up a paper or business publication without reading about job losses and pay freezes. British Airways has asked its employe…
In a recent coaching session with a successful entrepreneur and businessman, my client posed the following question – “I know what I’m tryin…
The other day I listened to Richard Watson’s presentation of – he’s the Futurologist who wrote Future Files. First o…
For all those who have been stuck on the red light, it really is time to hire some good sales staff, focus your inventory and talk to your a…
I have a team member who spends too much time on low value added tasks that should be delegated to the appropriate support functions. T…
Many companies have asked their staff through these difficult times to work part time or take unpaid leave. Some have even asked staff to ta…
Ok, you lot. It’s time to pay attention to a matter that we would all rather did not exist. For years the difficult job of dismissing employ…
In working with business owners across many industries, one thing becomes very clear – that those who take the time to think and consult wit…
Every couple of months we like to investigate how employees are feeling about a particular workplace issue. This time we wanted to put aside…
It is widely acknowledged that business plans are out-of-date as soon as they are written and yet we still persist on doing them and need th…