It has been the silver lining of this downturn. After spending years with heart in mouth, hoping key employees didn’t leave, we have been th…

It has been the silver lining of this downturn. After spending years with heart in mouth, hoping key employees didn’t leave, we have been th…
Ask yourself a key question. Why are the green eyeshade brigade lead by Ken Henry and Glenn Stevens telling us that the bad news may not be …
One of Australia’s corporate heroes, Peter Willcox, has had his business life cut short by his James Hardie conviction. However, as I will d…
I have always been supportive of the second go: giving the honest company which gets into financial trouble another chance. It is part of th…
What do you think of the clip attached which was cut from Facebook? I have blogged before about how employees are the new customer… b…
Great news to see that the chief executive of Westpac has been named among the most 20 powerful women in the world. In fact, according to th…
The new IR laws have been operating since July 1. But in the last week, I have had a number of employers asking me about how to let go staff…
The other day I went to the doctor. Nothing serious, thanks for asking. Just routine tests. But for the first time I was asked to book an ap…
Customers will take a few years before they will be willing to pay premiums for luxury items and increasingly look for superior quality at e…
I’m a very positive person, but sometimes I think that the positive outlook could be viewed as naive. I’d hate to think that I’m gullible. …
The story of Clive Peeters and the payroll manager who allegedly stole millions over almost two years to build herself a massive real estate…
In starting up griffin+row in the highly competitive market arena of skincare and cosmetics, my business partner and I decided that, as in a…