From last week’s blog I am now going to turn to a different survey result I saw in the press the other day. Then I’m going to combine the tw…

From last week’s blog I am now going to turn to a different survey result I saw in the press the other day. Then I’m going to combine the tw…
While the Dow Jones had its thousand point “correction” and the techos rush to assure us that the stock market jockeys are back in the saddl…
We often giggle at RedBalloon that all of us (including me) are generation ‘Why?’ – rather than ‘Y’. When I started this business (what seem…
Absolute madness. What is the Government thinking? There are a lot of things this government has done that gets me hot under the collar. Don…
This week I met with a very experienced global business man and he made a very strong point about the fact that businesses in Australia are …
Watching one of my favourite shows the other day, Air Crash Investigations I found it very interesting to listen to the survivors talking ab…
If you are a profitable small business with less than $2 million revenue, then you are a clear winner from today’s response to the Henry T…
With both the Australian and US equity markets climbing back over the technical barriers to a return of speculative investments, it might be…
I was in the city last week with some of my colleagues and as we sat in the RedBalloon mini (Ruby) at the lights we watched a mother try to …
I am overwhelmed at work, all of us are. How do we say no without limiting our careers? Starting your day with that sinking feeling t…
The Australian Institute of Company Directors has launched a pilot project designed to mentor senior women executives with the intent of see…
Flourish is such a delightful word… it makes me think of growth, vibrancy and excitement; such a positive word. During the research…