Is it that hard? For more than a year SmartCompany has been raising the alarm about the high cost of bank funding – and the lack of fundin…

Is it that hard? For more than a year SmartCompany has been raising the alarm about the high cost of bank funding – and the lack of fundin…
I assumed the workplace had changed. But Kristy Fraser-Kirk’s description of the harassment she claims to have suffered at the hands of Davi…
Last week I attended yet another great PWC function where the New Rugby Union team, Melbourne Rebels was introduced. It was fascinatin…
Against the optimism and confidence being pushed by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the $50 billion in government expenditure cuts being pr…
I am trying to muster up a Pollyanna type smile. Really! It’s great news that the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)is announc…
Having recently read the book Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, CEO of, I believe there are a significant number of simila…
Who is Julia Gillard? What does she really stand for? You have to wonder. This morning Business Spectator reported that Julia Gillard, when …
I lead a team of highly talented and very individual people. However, a recent team survey has highlighted a lack of trust and confidence wi…
There is no better time to be making a fuss about an issue than in the middle of an election campaign, but anyone would think the business c…
As we head into the final month of the election process, every small business needs to be aware that debt repayments and cuts to forward exp…
Trust is such a fragile thing. One knows that to be trusted is to trust. But what if you give trust – and it is not reciprocated? Is it a …
The annual Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management and Capgemini Annual World Wealth Report has been released, shining the spotlight on high …