Valmont Interiors began as a business designed to fill a gap in the commercial building and interior fitting industry. Over the past six yea…

Valmont Interiors began as a business designed to fill a gap in the commercial building and interior fitting industry. Over the past six yea…
As we approach our 10 years anniversary I realise that not everyone knows the origins of the way we do things. Megan, the RedBalloon employe…
Better than expected rises in retail sales figures for July – up 0.5% (beating expectations of a rise of 0.3%) – confirm this emerging t…
In July last year I almost had a revolt on my hands. I had just told my staff that we were going to launch a sister publication to SmartComp…
Stock markets are gyrating, consumer and business confidence have tumbled, industries like retailing are being hit by seismic structural cha…
How do I get someone who is on my virtual team (so is aligned to me as a resource because his sales territory and mine overlap) work under m…
Although consumer sentiment has fallen by nearly double figures in the past year, the overall consumer confidence has now flat lined for the…
I was asked these two challenging questions as part of the interview process for a publication. After a little pondering I thought I would s…
How ironic. On the back page of a national newspaper there is a story about people over 50 being deemed too old by recruiters to recommend f…
As Michael Scott (Steve Carell) declares bankruptcy, a helpful co-worker explains “it doesn’t really mean anything”. {qtube vid:=hiCilT…
Given the variance between consumer sentiments surveys conducted within the same month as markets slipped down the back of the Loch Ness Mon…
It seems that lately I am being approached by many people who are asking a similar question, “How did you do it?” Obviously I write this blo…