If you are wondering how much power you have in the company you lead, ask yourself how many decisions you make. The more powerful you are, t…

If you are wondering how much power you have in the company you lead, ask yourself how many decisions you make. The more powerful you are, t…
This is a tip that Power Players have perfected. They know they need to have people far, far better than them in order to run the show. Recr…
Department store David Jones today announced a dramatic transformation of the beleaguered retail chain, putting a lot of pressure on its chi…
A pervading sense of loneliness and isolation is the price of success for many executives. Fifty percent of American chief executives ex…
The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself – Thales. You miss 100 per cent of the shots you never take. — Ice hockey great Way…
Confidences divulged after a July 2008 American Alcoholics Anonymous meeting have resulted in nine people being charged with insider trading…
I read with amusement yet another story – Office Hell: Is the high-heeled she-devil destroying your worklife? By Kamahl Cogdon (Herald Sun…
Now that we have a new foreign minister, it is interesting to see the future through Chinese eyes as I roam the streets of Shanghai. From th…
Luckily for most Power Players, the charisma thing comes naturally. Charisma is a bit like that old saying about pornography: ‘I can’t d…
I’m not a big fan of categorizing people by their age and putting a label on them. Years ago I wrote a blog about “Generation Why” –…
There’s not a leader who doesn’t understand how important customer service is. But it’s expensive to implement, and difficult to measu…
We should have put David Gonski onto one of our power lists long ago, because he’s probably Australia’s best-connected businessman. But now …