It’s a big word. What’s more, it’s usually an opinion and rarely a fact. And Power Players know this. When Power Players hear the word…

It’s a big word. What’s more, it’s usually an opinion and rarely a fact. And Power Players know this. When Power Players hear the word…
George Carlin once said, “I have as much authority as the Pope. I just don’t have as many people who believe it.” This started me thin…
Guess what: men in leadership roles are changing – the new generation at least. They are not quite sure what they are changing into, but i…
Each day entrepreneur Rose Herceg presents a how-to power tip that challenges the typical Machiavellian theories of power. This is the Power…
Recent political turmoil in Canberra and the poor handling of major job losses in organisations have once again highlighted the need for mor…
I recently began offering my readers the opportunity to sign up for my new eNewsletter. I set up the process in such a way that when readers…
The campaign may be over, but the work’s just starting for newly-minted Queensland premier Campbell Newman. Campbell faces many urgent pro…
There’s an old Croatian saying my parents used to use: roughly translated, “Shut your eyes tightly and jump.” Power Players know …
I recently began offering my readers the opportunity to sign up for my new eNewsletter. I set up the process in such a way that when reader…
I’d lay money that roughly twenty percent of marriages happened because one person in the couple avoided the break-up conversation and got…
Greg Smith’s open letter of resignation from Goldman Sachs that appeared in the New York Times last week has been devastating on many leve…
Management presents ongoing and well-documented challenges, not least the need to deal with others’ demands and monitor their output. But ne…