In recent weeks I have noticed a lot more women being quoted in the pages of The Australian Financial Review. They are not talking about gen…

In recent weeks I have noticed a lot more women being quoted in the pages of The Australian Financial Review. They are not talking about gen…
I heard this from a Power Playing ballet dancer. He told me that the key to being a great dancer is to stay away from the trapdoor of overth…
BHP Billiton’s entire board is up for re-election at its next annual general meeting. It’s not because the company has a bunch of shareh…
The great managers lead with their own energy, by being present and always “on”. The good managers can create a positive and productive mood…
Power Players are great at painting a mental picture. They love words and the best players use words that can unlock even the dullest of ima…
Australia is a poor friend to Asia, billionaires Kerry Stokes and James Packer said on Friday. Speaking at a business conference, Packer sai…
Watching a recent debate about women on the boards of FTSE 100 companies in the UK, we were alerted to a brilliant story about combining mo…
Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest’s got the begging bowl out. The company he founded and still owns one third of, Fortescue Metals Group, is …
In a piece published in the current issue of Vanity Fair, contributing editor Michael Lewis tags along with President Barack Obama for a few…
Creativity is good – and more critical than ever in business. So why do so many once-creative companies get bogged down over time, with co…
Power Players have two things going on in their heads when they are talking. They know what they have to say and when they’ve said enough….
“Ridiculously large problems” are a daily inspiration for Seth Merrin, the founder and chief executive of Liquidnet Holdings, an America…