With the appointment of three new directors at today’s AGM, engineering firm Downer EDI now has a board that’s almost gender-balanced. O…
With the appointment of three new directors at today’s AGM, engineering firm Downer EDI now has a board that’s almost gender-balanced. O…
Achieving objectives is the essence of executive life. “Management by objectives works” the famous Austrian thinker Peter Drucker declar…
Judgemental? Me? Never. But according to just about everyone, I will make an evaluation of every person I encounter within moments of just m…
Thomas Fuller said this and it’s very true. Power Players have more self-respect than to serve up a lame excuse. If you’re late for work…
It’s easy to overlook chief operations officers. Unlike positions like the chief financial officer or the chief information officer, it’…
The online job-market company, Freelancer.com, has 4.3 million users, $50 million in revenue, and $645 million worth of work up for grabs to…
Only a month ago the outcome of the US presidential election was seen my most commentators as being a question of the margin of President Ba…
I have just finished reading Emotional Capitalists: The New Leaders by Martyn Newman The premise of the book is that there is new type of le…
No ifs, ands or buts: if you hate it, don’t do it. Power Players find a way to stop doing the stuff they hate. And here’s why: if you do…
The Council of Small Business of Australia is in turmoil after its annual general meeting last week, with Ken Phillips resigning as chair af…
The removal of women from an IKEA catalogue for Saudi Arabia was skilfully done. Altered images showed no sign of females ever being in any …
Power Players can sense when a tidal wave of cynicism is about to flow over them. When this happens they get out of the way and look for a n…