Booz & Co’s latest global innovation study, Making Ideas Work, makes interesting reading – as much for what it doesn’t say as what…
Booz & Co’s latest global innovation study, Making Ideas Work, makes interesting reading – as much for what it doesn’t say as what…
Power Players always reach for this when it all goes south. You haven’t lived if you haven’t had some very tough times. But the beauty o…
Our new, wickedly off-colour humour column features the views of the world’s worst manager, Slithershanks. Enjoy. Slithershanks furrowed h…
A new government initiative to get more women on boards is addressing “the wrong end of the problem” says feminist Eva Cox, who argues t…
This week sees a “more of the same” scene replay of last year’s results with the same men’s top teams firmly locked into yesterday’s agenda….
I am often out and about meeting people, customers and suppliers and, of course, speaking to groups can take me to anywhere in Australia (an…
Everyone has a revenge fantasy. I’ve had a million. But Power Players know that revenge is the poison we end up swallowing ourselves. Rev…
Australia is regarded as “the lucky country” because it has the minerals in the ground to extract. From a national perspective, there is…
China is Australia’s largest trading partner and alongside the United States, the nation of greatest importance to our future pr…
Technology, networking groups, mentoring and a shift in gender attitudes have accelerated the rate of businesses now being started by women …
We all know that wisdom is a big (and loaded) word. But the part that most of us don’t know is that wisdom knows what to overlook. Not eve…
The election which was four years in the making was decided today, with President Barack Obama re-elected for four more years. Ohio and Flor…