The fiscal cliff in the USA, financial crises in Europe and the political reconstruction of the Arab Spring provide the bulk of business con…
The fiscal cliff in the USA, financial crises in Europe and the political reconstruction of the Arab Spring provide the bulk of business con…
I have just read a news report called “Groupon fights for its life as daily deals fade” which did not really surprise me. I know some of our…
Power is like being a lady… if you have to tell people you are, you aren’t. Margaret Thatcher said this and it’s all too true. The “d…
If there’s a large Australian organisation with a reputation for a command-and-control management style, it’s the armed forces. That’s…
When she was 15, Cynthia Whelan, now banking giant Barclays’ Australia-New Zealand chief, left school to become a professional ballet danc…
Time, or lack of it, has become one of the biggest stressors regardless of where you sit in the organisational hierarchy. Speak to almost an…
Everyone alive has, at one time or another, done something incredibly stupid. This is why Power Players never underestimate the power of stu…
Richard Branson tells a tale in the now-defunct technology magazine Business 2.0 about what it takes to make a great leader. In the story…
If you’re a woman in a large professional services firm, you probably have access to some kind of “women’s initiative” to help you advance y…
I recently read two interesting articles. The first was a summary of survey results produced by Execunet, who asked their members his questi…
Power Players are fantastic at caring. Because they know it’s more powerful than anything else on earth. It’s the small acts of kindness…
If you want to test a man’s character, give him power. Abe Lincoln said this. And this is a guy who freed the slaves, so you know he must …