Powerful people know that humour is the greatest weapon in any boardroom. Someone comes at you with serious and stern? Return the remark wit…

Powerful people know that humour is the greatest weapon in any boardroom. Someone comes at you with serious and stern? Return the remark wit…
So often we start the year with good intentions and never get anywhere – entrepreneurs included.
But there’s something to be s…
As a business owner, one thing is inevitable, and that is workplace tension. People who work together every day under the stress of a work e…
When it comes to compliments, powerful types know how to accept one. More importantly, they don’t fall for the mistake of immediately retu…
Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank once said, “At most companies, people spend 2% of their time recruiting and 75% managing their recruiting m…
Some psychopaths are good guys – it can’t be denied. Like the dental surgeon who yanked out one of my molars recently. He kept wres…
There’s an old Spanish proverb: “Don’t speak unless you can improve upon the silence.” The most important skill you can ever learn is t…
In one of his first jobs, Steve Vamos was sweeping a floor as the CEO of the company walked by. The CEO watched him for a moment before t…
Great leaders wear their power lightly. They never throw their weight around. They never suffer from that type of business low self-esteem w…
In one of his first jobs, Steve Vamos was sweeping a floor as the CEO of the company walked by. The CEO watched him for a moment before tapp…
Carry cash in your pockets at all times. Meeting for a coffee with a colleague, client or worker-bee? You pay. And don’t expense a three-buc…
In January plenty of people start new roles. But if your job is to be the boss, you’re unlikely to get much of an easy transition. A bad i…