Throughout 2012, many analysts were predicting that RIM’s days were numbered. And in one way, that turned out to be true. Last week, …

Throughout 2012, many analysts were predicting that RIM’s days were numbered. And in one way, that turned out to be true. Last week, …
A forensic examination of a new generation of American CEOs – the most promising under 35, as determined by Forbes magazine – reveals so…
Having just come back from a visit to China, it is very clear that expectations for the New Year (February 10) are more subdued than last ye…
As I sat in the back of a taxi rushing from one appointment to another this week, quick to check my phone for messages as soon as I jumped i…
Bridge-burning usually has a very negative connotation. Power Players know that it is sometimes necessary. The only way to move forward mig…
A forensic examination of a new generation of American CEOs – the most promising under 35, as determined by Forbes magazine – reveals so…
In Australian private equity, no single figure looms larger than Bill Ferris. Except, perhaps, his long-term business partner Joe Skrzynski….
Teamwork is a word that we are all supposed to love. We’re all supposed to celebrate the teamwork bandwagon and share the workload and the…
In my first serious job in my early 20s I remember being called into the manager’s office and told that I was not paid to be the office clow…
Time alone won’t increase the number of women in senior leadership positions, with new research finding the biggest factor in women breaking…
Hedging never got anybody anywhere, which is why Power Players need to have the ability to walk away. If you don’t feel good about it and …
Most of us don’t really know ourselves very well. We think we do but when it comes down to it – not so much. Power Players put time…