James Strong, one of Australia’s most influential and iconic business leaders, died in Melbourne yesterday, aged 68, after complications f…

James Strong, one of Australia’s most influential and iconic business leaders, died in Melbourne yesterday, aged 68, after complications f…
The way that an office is designed can enhance or undermine trust between everyone in the workplace, including leaders and those who report …
Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders is a landmark in the business calendar. Written in clear English and avoiding the jargon…
Power Players know that when it’s wrong, it will usually be done badly. Whether it’s coincidence or karma, or indeed a sign from the uni…
Nothing screams disengagement more than answering texts or emails or taking mobile calls during a meeting. I’ve seen senior people sitting i…
I listened to Matt Perry last week implore his audience of entrepreneurs at an EO event in Sydney that “it is up to us” to make the world a …
Power Players know that power is a lot easier to navigate when most of the people agree with their decisions most of the time. If the choice…
In September, 2012, long-serving Metcash chief Andrew Reitzer said he was looking at four strong internal candidates to replace him when he …
Even as the Indian government is making it mandatory for companies to spend 2% of their net profit on corporate social responsibility, Wipro…
There’s one place where affectionate nicknames aren’t going to get you in trouble, and that’s inside your own home. Everywhere else, f…
Inspiration has a way of coming into our lives when we least expect it. The trick is not pushing it but letting inspiration come in its own …
Leadership is a time-consuming task, and yet most leaders are exhorted to set aside time for contemplating the “big picture” – the fut…