As a female leader, I was interested in the observations of Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg who has been quoted as saying women in business need …

As a female leader, I was interested in the observations of Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg who has been quoted as saying women in business need …
Power Players know how to keep a secret. It’s refreshing, since so few of us can. Most of us love knowing something others do not. We can …
Legislation aimed at quashing the rise in executive pay is ill-targeted and misused, according to a panel of leading company directors speak…
When politicians fail, they fail for all to see. Most business leaders have the luxury of a little more privacy. But the result is the same….
Who hasn’t, at some point or another, walked confidently into an office, talking loudly, only to realise that their co-worker is on the ph…
Fifteen years ago, Andrew and Paul Bassat launched SEEK, which would go on to become Australia’s leading online jobs board. The story beh…
Power Players by nature are optimists. They don’t see a lot of value in living on the dark side. Optimism assumes a level of hope: a notio…
Fifteen years ago, Andrew and Paul Bassat launched SEEK, which would go on to become Australia’s leading online jobs board. The story behind…
This one I love – as does any good Power Player. Sometimes the best thing to do is absolutely nothing because eventually things will get b…
Where were you when you heard Princess Diana had died? What about when September 11 happened? Most people can recall with crystal-clear clar…
James Strong, one of Australia’s most influential and iconic business leaders, died in Melbourne yesterday, aged 68, after complications…
A comeback is one of the best reasons to stay in the game. When the world has ruled you out and everyone around you thinks you’re washed u…