When you start a business, you grow fast. As your reputation grows, so do your sales. But for many entrepreneurs, sooner or later, they hit …
When you start a business, you grow fast. As your reputation grows, so do your sales. But for many entrepreneurs, sooner or later, they hit …
Power Players do their best to understand the importance of happiness and how they can be happy. Doing something, loving something and hopin…
Of all the lessons you can learn from Power Players, recognising the big things as they happen is the big prize. Most of us don’t get what…
Take a moment to think about the last time something went wrong for you. What was your immediate response? Did you: a) Blame: look to se…
The Council of Small Business of Australia has been concerned for some time about the behaviour of the industry superannuation funds. The…
If you were ever looking for proof to counter the argument ‘it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it’, you need go no further than the cur…
It’s hard to be angelic – most of us know this only too well. Even though most Power Players are not angels, at least not all of the tim…
It is always wonderful to discover the journey of successful female executives. Last week I had the privilege of meeting Big W general manag…
How many truly fantastic decisions do you see in a week? Not that many. If and when they do happen, they are usually made by Power Players. …
Last night, Microsoft founder Bill Gates faced an Australian audience for a special edition of ABC program Q&A. The program crowdsourced…
The leadership space is peculiarly susceptible to platitudes. Leaders can use them without thinking, however, they can easily be perceived a…
This is one of the great magic tricks of Power Players today. The really good ones can seem completely open and accessible yet you never rea…