One of many challenges leaders face is communicating to their team and inspiring them to make a difference. Sonia Aplin works for Ericsson a…

One of many challenges leaders face is communicating to their team and inspiring them to make a difference. Sonia Aplin works for Ericsson a…
Power Players know when to forget about it. Especially when it’s a massive screw-up of somebody else’s doing. Reminding them of it is no…
Power doesn’t go in for grandstanding. Power doesn’t prance around the paddock like a show pony. Power doesn’t wear sequins and power …
I have just finished listening to the MOOC series Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence by Richard Boyatzis. While I did not a…
Executives in listed companies have been warned to put “more meat on the bone”, as they approach the first reporting season after new AS…
Unless the next three weeks are very different from the last three years, the people who are uncommitted to either of the major parties will…
I was having dinner with my daughter, 17, and son, 15, and my son asked me if I would prefer to be a man or a woman. I instantly responded, …
It’s hard to rearrange life from a hospital bed but that is what I had to do this week, having been admitted on the weekend for an appende…
Power Players would much rather walk away from the outcome they desperately desire than give up their freedom. Liberty is under-appreciated …
The Essendon drugs scandal has captured the attention of Australian sport fans and critics for most of this year, as week after week new det…
For just one day, 10 years ago, in one London bookstore, the original Mr & Mrs Smith: Hotel Collection UK/Ireland outsold JK R…
It’s much easier to be powerful when you’ve got some decent-sized talent in your back pocket. Power Players know that a lot of people lo…