Help! I don’t know what to get my employees for Christmas

Help! I don’t know what to get my employees for Christmas


Dear Aunty B,

I run an independent grocery store in regional New South Wales. One of my long-serving employees recently retired, which is a shame. To top it all off, she was the one who would organise the staff parties and gifts for everyone come Christmas time. I would give her the cash, but she would take care of all the little details.

I’m a little stumped this year because I want to get my 14 staff something to thank them for their hard work this year, but I don’t have a creative bone in my body.

What should I do?

 Yours sincerely,




Dear Michael,

Why are you asking me what you should get your employees? You should know them best! For example, do they like a cold beer after a hard day’s work, or are they more of a gin gal like me? (If you’re ever thinking of sending me a Christmas gift, Hendrick’s is my poison – I’m too old and fussy now to settle for anything less.)

In saying this, I’m willing to cut you some slack and offer up some advice in order to spread the Christmas cheer.

The first thing I would say is that you don’t have to break the bank when it comes to rewarding your employees. For example, Jess Klein from wattsnext HR says it can be as simple as writing a personalised Christmas card. I’m sure your staff will appreciate any effort you go to in order to thank them for their hard work in 2015.

If you wanted to spend a little bit of money, why not get your staff some vouchers? You could even give them vouchers for the store to help them out with all those groceries they’ll have to buy for Christmas lunch. That way, when they sit down with their family, they’ll know you helped contribute to making their day special.

Stay smart,

Aunty B