My employee is overly passionate – help!

Dear Aunty B,

I have to have a really uncomfortable conversation with someone about their performance. I know she thinks she will get a glowing performance review but I have to make a few key points to her and I really need her to listen.


How do I overcome her initial reaction (which will be to be totally pissed off) before I deliver my message?

I think she might even storm out as she can be quite emotional and passionate about work.

She really respects me and will listen if I can get past her initial reaction. And she can be great but I need her to really take on board what I have to say.

Scared of her passion,

Dear TL,

You sit her down and explain that once upon a time you had a boss who sat you down one day to deliver a few key points that helped you become what you are today. You explain that the boss didn’t have to deliver this assessment as you were doing a great job. But the boss wanted to see you develop, not to the next step – or the step after that – but right to the top. Explain that you too had come into that performance review meeting expecting only praise.

But you left the meeting with a much wider understanding of the role you had in the organisation, your potential and what you needed to do to get there. In retrospect, you tell her, the boss did you a favour. The boss was getting the performance they wanted. But the boss cared enough about her and could see such potential in her that she/he bothered to mentor/assist with her future growth.

By the time you get through your nostalgic ramble she will be wondering where the hell you are going and when you finally deliver a few constructive tidbits she will breathe a sigh of relief, wonder what the fuss was about and take the suggestions on board.

Be smart!
Your Aunty B

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