It is business card mayhem. Have you got the perfect business card?

Dear Aunty B,

I have to sign off on new business cards and I tell you, it has caused more fuss in our office since we looked at getting unisex toilets (we didn’t).

The designer says it is all about design. Our marketing guru says it needs the WOW factor because it is all about first impressions. The accountant is insisting we have Pty Ltd on it. The head of accounts receivable says we still need a fax number and our IT boffin says he doesn’t care what’s on the card as long as it can be easily scanned and stored in all his e-contraptions.

Aunty B, being perfect I am sure you have the perfect business card. Can you share it with us?

Your imperfect servant,
North shore

Dear Imperfect servant,

Look, I think they all have a point. And it is not hard to incorporate all that in a simple card. As for priorities, usability is more important to me than the WOW factor. It’s a business card, not an invitation to a fashion parade.

Brendan Lewis did a great blog on this.

I also asked him to send us an example of a good card and a bad card. See below.

If I were you, I would take the good card and get your designer to make it look a bit smart (sorry Brendan) and send it to the printers.

Good luck!
Your Aunty B


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