A lot has shifted these last few weeks, and hiring practices are no exception. Whatever situation you’re in, it’s time to throw out the old rule-book and consider new tips for hiring in light of COVID-19.
We spoke to Australian recruitment startup founders for their pointers on how to hire in this changed business landscape.
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Integrating new technology
Guy Abelsohn is a co-founder of myInterview, a premium video interviewing platform for employers. He says the platform was already seeing a move to take on new recruitment technology before the onset of COVID-19.
With in-person interviews simply not an option for the foreseeable future, remote interviewing tools are a great alternative.
“We’ve seen a huge increase in organisations migrating their hiring workflows to digital tools. Our interview volumes have doubled, if not tripled”, says Abelsohn.
David Mckeague is a co-founder of Curious Thing — software that enables automated phone interviews using voice-based AI.
Curious Thing’s usage for contingent hiring has expanded rapidly since the start of the pandemic. A range of professions including call centres, nursing and logistics require the capacity for mass-hiring — artificial intelligence software such as Curious Thing makes this possible.
“For mass-volume roles, automation and scalability are critical to the hiring practice”, says Mckeague.
“With so many candidates interested in almost every position, the right technology can help you find the right talent. But it’s not just about finding the talent — it’s about attracting the right people for your business.”
Attracting the right talent
Kristen Graham is a co-founder of VideoMyJob, a mobile app that helps businesses make and distribute branded video content.
She puts it simply: “Employer brand is about attracting the right talent.”
Being an attractive place to work is all about living your values. Since the move to working from home began, the concepts of ’flexibility’ and ‘work life balance’ have been put under the microscope.
“Now is the time to build a library of authentic stories starring the employees that are helping your business survive and thrive,” says Graham.
These stories will heighten the appeal of your workplace to potential applicants.
Guy Abelsohn of myInterview agrees: “Every candidate that interacts with your company might be a current or future customer.
“In the current environment, ensure you have a flexible working environment and explain that your company trusts their employees.”
Building a culture of trust
Transparency is the key to good culture, according to Mckeague.
“Employment is like a partnership between a company and an employee.
“Companies should enter this partnership with good faith and intention. That is the only way a company can receive the same from candidates.
“That’s why hiring practice is usually the first step in building a great team culture.”
We all know that communication can be make-or-break when building a productive and trusting culture, especially in these uncertain times.
Strive for transparency, wherever possible, when discussing the impacts of COVID-19 on your workplace during the hiring process.
Armed with these handy tips, you’ll be better prepared to tackle hiring in this changed business landscape, and more ready for the challenges of a post-COVID-19 world.

The Landing Pads program provides market-ready Australian startups and scaleups the opportunity to land and expand into major global innovation and startup ecosystems, including San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Shanghai, Berlin and Singapore.
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