Source: Supplied.
Many employees have now experienced the rewards of working from home. And the positives are hard to resist, from no rush hour traffic and office commutes to more time for family and a better work-life balance. It was a pretty good offer on the surface. So, enticing workers back into the office can be tricky, but it’s a top priority for many businesses.
Here are our top tips to make your employees excited about going to the office.
Try To Be More Flexible
The last few years have taught us that a bit of flexibility goes a long way. Not being chained to a desk for 8 hours a day is something employees seem to really value. As a result, hybrid schedules are now becoming more popular with in-person office days and others for remote work. Or even four-day workweeks. (sign us up!) But of course, that’s not possible for most businesses.
Think about some ways your company could be more flexible that are still realistic. Being more lenient with appointments or school drop-offs and pick-ups could be a good start.
Leave Room For Collaboration
Most of us miss socialising with co-workers while working away remotely. Having a routine and being part of a team are all exciting benefits to office life. So designing your office to include “collaborative rooms” helps provide the space for teamwork and friendly relations between workers.
Depending on your business, some ideas could be: decking out rooms with whiteboards, screen projectors, multiple electrical sockets or even bean bags. You could even decorate with comfortable recliners and armchairs to make people feel super-relaxed and get the creative juices flowing.
Perks, Perks, Perks
Everyone loves a freebie. And if there’s more than one, even better. Perks like a fancy coffee machine that staff can use free of charge sure make Monday mornings easier to get through. A cookie jar or weekly deliveries of fresh fruit might be smaller expenses that workers will appreciate.
Ensure Tech & Facilities Are At A High Level
Working from home isn’t all sunshine, and Zoom meetings in PJs. There are plenty of downsides, like lagging internet, network connection issues or even cramped desks. So providing top-notch tech for your workers is a big positive. It’s also worthwhile to plan out the office layout so that everyone has plenty of desk and storage space.
Facilities like bathrooms and kitchens should all be at a high level. But making staff happy doesn’t have to include a massive overhaul. How great’s the feeling of walking into a well-stocked stationery closet? Let’s not forget about printers and copiers. Who knew we would miss these machines so much when working from home?

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