This article first appeared on January 10th, 2011. I’ve been spending a lot of time worrying about the colour scheme for my website. Ag…

This article first appeared on January 10th, 2011. I’ve been spending a lot of time worrying about the colour scheme for my website. Ag…
The most important part of any business, no matter how big or small the business may be, is always sales. And the most important part …
Chrissie Charley is not an ordinary business woman and this is no ordinary video interview. Chrissie’s clearly been gifted with such…
If you want to create content that sparks interest, fires up comments and explodes on social media, you need to set yourself apart. He…
Every following has to start somewhere and if you’re only just getting started on Facebook, it can seem a bit daunting. I’ve often …
I’m keen to build up a database on my customers for marketing purposes but I’m wondering what kind of information I can ask for/store/us…
If your business has been up and running and you’re looking for a new growth strategy to take it up a notch, you may want to consider an a…
We live in a day and age where anyone and everyone can become an expert. While this can work in our favour and help us position oursel…
Dear Solo Self, Just thought I would drop you a line to see how you are getting on. You have been slogging away there all by yourse…
Recently, I bumped into a few people from my past who surprised me by knowing everything going on in my life by reading this blog. I s…
This article first appeared on May 10th, 2010. I have employed a personal/life coach for the last 12 months and this have been one of the…
In my board role as new member integration chair for the Entrepreneur’s Organisation (EO) in Melbourne, my ultimate goal is to help ensure…