I’m really impatient. I mean really impatient. Maybe even a dose of hyperactivity disorder. I need stuff done now. I hate waiting. O…

I’m really impatient. I mean really impatient. Maybe even a dose of hyperactivity disorder. I need stuff done now. I hate waiting. O…
This is a question I’m frequently asked and my answer is always that, on face value, there is no edge. Start-ups from across the glo…
When building products for the internet, no one builds ‘everything’ from scratch. Web services are almost always a mash-up of exist…
How should my online marketing plan be different to my general marketing plan? Or should there be no difference?
First we need to take a …
Don’t let the title fool you. I’m not at all pessimistic about the future of Australian business. How do you know that I’m telli…
February tends to be the worst cashflow month for many SMEs. Mix the extra costs coming out of the holiday season, some downtime and the win…
We purchased an established business recently and want to trademark the business name. The problem is that the same business name is u…
I was disappointed to read recently that the Israeli electric car innovator Better Place has massively scaled back its operations and ambiti…
I’ve run a start-up for a couple of years now and ran my own music company for eight years before that. Anyone who followed our progre…
Is the start of the year a good time to snare my first hire? I’m looking at placing a job ad now as I think I may get a great respon…
In these days of online promotion and social media we can forget that sometimes, prospective clients need a physical reminder of your busine…
I run a retail business and am wondering if we need an app. Generally speaking, what kind of businesses benefit from having an app? …