This article first appeared on September 19th, 2011. I’m keen to raise some money from an investor and get a little extra out of them s…

This article first appeared on September 19th, 2011. I’m keen to raise some money from an investor and get a little extra out of them s…
In September 2012, I visited the York Butter Factory co-working space in Melbourne. I met four incredibly smart, passionate and driv…
There are so many issues that arise in this situation, that it is certainly worthwhile getting the help of an external professional – who …
The web represents huge opportunities for start-up entrepreneurs to humanise their organisations. This makes us much more likable and tru…
This article first appeared on September 19th, 2011. I’m located in regional Australia and my potential clients are large distances fro…
I recently had the pleasure of being involved in judging the StartupSmart Awards and was asked to review entrants’ submissions. There�…
This article first appeared on March 23, 2012. How do I work out who are the key influencers in my industry that I need to follow on Twit…
When people find out that I work as a social media manager, quite often the first question I’m asked is “How do I get more likes for my …
We all know how vital marketing is to the survival and growth of our business. But as small business owners, our marketing budget can often …
I’ve found a supplier who has exactly the products I wish to sell. But they can be quite unreliable with their delivery times/amounts….
Before starting work on Posse, I spent 10 years managing rock bands. Most of the artists I represented were successful in Australia, but …
The most commonly asked question by business owners and sales people is “How can I remove price as an objection?” I was standing in the s…