One of the biggest mistakes I see small businesses making on Facebook is when they conduct competitions that are, in fact, breaking Facebook…

One of the biggest mistakes I see small businesses making on Facebook is when they conduct competitions that are, in fact, breaking Facebook…
The X factor is the edge in your business that will give you a significant advantage over your competitors. The X factor is the sweet spo…
Imagine you were an investor in the largest but then struggling aluminium company in the world. What would you decide to do if you heard thi…
Time is your most valuable commodity. You have only 24 hours in each day and once it’s spent it can never be returned or replaced. Unfortuna…
Highly successful athletes and successful sporting teams have many traits that can be applied to winning in business. A successful athlet…
How strict is the ATO in enforcing late tax payments for start-ups? Do micro businesses get any leeway? It’s just me, after all – I don�…
In my most recent article for Bluewire Media, I argued Steve Jobs was possibly the greatest pull marketer of our time and his influence on c…
I had lunch last week with a guy who had previously run a start-up. He had a decent idea but it just couldn’t find a market and after a…
This article first appeared on September 27th, 2012. Actively encouraging environmentally friendly practices among employees is an extrem…
It is confidently predicted by the people of my parish (yes, I have been reading Trollope again!) that if you go into the main street of the…
When you’re faced with a mountain of tasks that you desperately need to get done and a to-do list that is continuing to grow longer by the…
This article first appeared on January 23, 2012. I’m starting a business in a regional area. How do I choose the right web developer fo…