When it comes to generating publicity for your business, news releases are by far the most popular option. But they aren’t the only option…

When it comes to generating publicity for your business, news releases are by far the most popular option. But they aren’t the only option…
The first thing you want to do perhaps even before you set up your business is to work out what keywords people are searching for. Step 1…
It’s not uncommon for customers to come to LegalVision wanting to get out of contracts they’ve signed. Often they’re trying to get out…
Do you have a reward scheme in place at the moment? A staff reward system is a great way to let your people know that they are appreciate…
Imagine you are listening to your eulogy and they say “s/he lived life to the fullest”. What does this mean for you? Would you rather…
NSA. Edward Snowden. Lavabit. Silent Circle. Windows 8. Privacy breaches are making headline news. What used to be a sleepy backwater of …
The cloud isn’t exactly a new topic. I believe Steve Jobs, at another one of his famous Apple keynotes, addressed the idea of everyone fun…
It seems as though there are going to be some pretty interesting new senators come June next year. There’s the Motoring Enthusiasts Par…
I’ve received a bad review for my product or service on social media. What’s the best way to deal with it? Well, here’s my first pi…
I admit I’m biased. I grew up in New Zealand and I love the place. The landscape is stunning, streets are safe, people are friendly and l…
It’s one of those questions that can make us squirm isn’t it? Because while we want to be the one running our business, more often than no…
I am currently enrolled in a course that is emotionally empowering, intellectually stimulating and profoundly life changing. Every piece of …