‘We decided to stop advertising’: Why Wendy’s throws shade at competitors like McDonald’s on Twitter
Wendy's Twitter may seem flippant at first glance, but there's a method to its madness and sassy tone.
Facebook hack reveals the perils of using a single account to log in to other services
Single sign-on is an attempt to balance usability and security, but the Facebook hack reveals its limitations and vulnerabilities.
Instagram’s Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom are stepping down, but what’s the key to their success? Hint: It’s super simple
After securing 30 million users in 18 months and selling to Facebook for $US1 billion, Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger are stepping down.
“River of marketing gold”: How social media groups can bolster engagement
Social media groups are a marketing treasure trove, and utilising them correctly can result in a huge growth in content views and branding.
Two golden rules: How to improve your LinkedIn conversion
If you use LinkedIn for prospecting, here are some tips on how to get it right so an annoyed new connection doesn’t block you.
“No guarantee of higher click-through rates”: Evidence needed to prove value of personalised Facebook advertising
Targeting social media users with personalised advertising tailored to their psychological profile is no guarantee of higher click-through rates.
What does your LinkedIn photo say about you?
When people meet online for the first time, a LinkedIn photo often determines their first impression. So, what does your LinkedIn photo say about you?
The new LinkedIn feature that could spell the end of the business card
LinkedIn has introduced a new feature to make it easier to immediately connect online with a potential client or customer during networking events.
From six-figure deals to pictures of dogs, here’s how two business owners run their own social media accounts
For entrepreneurs, keeping a strong social media presence across Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter can do wonders for your business.
Your business needs a social media policy: Here’s five rules that should be in it
The rise of social media has blurred the boundaries between what's work and what's not. It's essential your business has a clear social media policy.
Showcasing purchases on social media can damage consumers’ health and wallets
Around 40% of the world’s population uses social media, so understanding the influence of social media on health and wellbeing is critical.
Data mining: How social media can be used to improve sales forecasts
Companies may typically view social media platforms through the prism of marketing, however US research points to their use in developing sales forecasts.