SMS marketing: Four ways to improve the success of your campaigns

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Source: Unsplash/Nasik Lababan.

How many times today have you picked up your phone and sent or read a text message? The average Australian picks up their phone 85 times a day. For most of us, the action is so familiar that we barely even recognise we’re doing it. Over the few decades it’s been around, SMS has become a game-changer for the way we communicate. Now, text marketing campaigns have the power to be a game-changer for your brand as well.

In a world where mobile devices make up more than half of all website traffic, SMS marketing meets your customers where they already are. More and more, we’re seeing brands across varying industries such as finance, retail, healthcare and real estate implement a text marketing campaign with incredible success. And when you look at the numbers, it’s no wonder as to why — SMS open rates stand at an incredible 98%.

If you’re thinking of trying out an SMS marketing campaign — or if you’re unsure where your existing campaign is going wrong — here are four things that will set you up for success.

How to make the most out of your text marketing campaign

  1. Personalisation is key

    If there’s one thing that customers don’t respond well to it’s generic marketing messages that make them feel like they’re just another name on a database. Purchase history, abandoned cart information, wish lists — these are all readily available customer insights that you can use to create tailored SMS campaigns that meet your customers’ needs at the perfect time.

    Not only will segmenting your audience in this way increase conversions, but it will also create a more enjoyable customer journey along the way. When you show your customers that you have taken the time to understand them, you add more value to their experience and increase brand loyalty at the same time.

  2. Use a relationship-first approach

    We’re all used to receiving information from businesses via email, but for the average person text messaging still feels like a relatively personal way to be contacted. This is where SMS marketing offers an incredible opportunity for your brand to connect and establish trust with customers on a more personal level.

    When it comes to building positive relationships with your customers, slow and steady will always win the race. ‘Drip campaigns’ are the perfect example of this. By setting up automated flows that are triggered when certain events or behaviours are identified, you can nurture your customer base over time rather than running the risk of alienating them with blatant marketing messages.

  3. Drive traffic with SMS landing pages

    More than 60% of all online purchases by young to middle-aged consumers are made via mobile phone. With this in mind, SMS marketing is a powerful way to deliver mobile optimised landing pages that drive conversions through the roof.

    Whether you’re wanting to promote a new product, increase bookings for a particular service or alert your customers to a sale, sending rich messages containing engaging photos and links have been proven to convert customers in droves. Remember: your target market are already on their phones ready to buy, with most customers saying they read a text within 5 minutes of receiving it. SMS marketing just makes the journey to your website more seamless.

  4. Identify — and alleviate — your customer pain points

    Every business has room for improvement. The beauty of SMS marketing, however, is that it provides an easy and convenient way for you to offer greater support and communication to your customers in times when they need it most.

    In situations that are known to be typically frustrating for consumers, SMS allows you to provide more dynamic solutions. Do your customers get frustrated when they aren’t alerted about changes to their service? SMS is a fast and simple solution. The same goes for customers who don’t want to wait for hours on hold when contacting your support team. Instead, SMS can determine their needs and help you organise a suitable time for a support agent to get in touch. By putting the customer experience first, you can start to retain customers where you once were losing them.

All in all, SMS can transform the way you interact with and engage customers, offering an almost instantaneous reach unrivalled by any other strategy. Regardless of your industry, it’s the perfect opportunity to revolutionise your approach to building long-term customer relationships.