The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has sent a warning that it will crackdown on companies that try to hide additional charge…

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has sent a warning that it will crackdown on companies that try to hide additional charge…
The gap between the market’s ruddy optimism and the gloom pervading officialdom widened a little more this morning. The European Commi…
It used to be much easier to get the word out about your brand and connect with your customers. You just ran an ad, or put out a press relea…
The head of Facebook’s new Australian office says he will be targeting SMEs to help boost the site’s Australian advertising revenues. …
I was running a “train the sales trainer” session with some experienced, professional sales managers the other day. The session I ran is …
The Federal and state governments have agreed on plan that will ensure any person between the ages of 20 and 25 who loses their job will be …
When you think about it, your website is a black hole isn’t it! Someone visits your site but you’re not sure what they actually do when they…
Entrepreneur William Scott lashed out this morning at reports that his PR marketing and advertising company CommQuest had collapsed. Scott s…
Should incentives for my sales people be aimed at quick cash in the door or long-term growth? In the current economic climate, there is litt…
The recession has thrown the sales and marketing strategies of entrepreneurs into disarray. Customers have become more hesitant to buy, sale…
First of all, what do you actually want to know? Maybe you want brand awareness, or do you want to know if people think of your brand as …
By way of full disclosure – I work with people to help them understand and uncover things that make up their personal brands. But where I …