Why do people shop online?

Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular, but why? According to WebProNews, two recent surveys suggest people are a bit confused over whether it’s convenience or cheaper prices that provide the best reason to get online.

A recent Nielsen survey of US shoppers found the ability to shop any time was the chief advantage of online shopping for 81%, closely followed by 77% who said they enjoyed the time-saving from not having to navigate the traffic jams and queues of Christmas shopping.

Low prices ranked fifth in the survey, with just 46% naming bargain prices as their primary reason for shopping online.

These findings are in sharp contrast to the results of another recent survey by market research firm Synovate. It found that 67% of shoppers feel lower prices as the main motivator for them to shop online, with the availability of free shipping the second most important factor.

Convenience, on the other hand, ranked way back in the pack, with only 8% citing it as a key motivating factor for shopping online.