Small businesses won’t drop marketing spend

Australian SMEs say they will continue or increase current levels of spending on marketing, despite any indication of an industry slowdown, the Online Research Unit says.

Australian SMEs say they will continue or increase current levels of spending on marketing, despite any indication of an industry slowdown, the Online Research Unit says.

A survey completed by the group says 52% of businesses will keep marketing and advertising budgets the same in 2009, with 37% saying they will increase their budgets. Those intending to increase their budgets number 42% for businesses less than two years old, with 33% of companies older than 10 years saying they will increase their budgets.

Any increase will likely be directed towards advertising at 66%, with online marketing following at 44%, direct marketing at 41% and public relations at 23% for all intended expenditure. Only 11% say they will cut marketing budgets.

ORU chairman Brian Fine says the results show that Australian SMEs will remain immune from any effects of the downturn.

“It seems that small business recognises the need for pro-active communication to grow, or at least maintain current market share. Advertising for these smaller companies will have broader meaning than just above the line brand building, and is likely to include retail and targeted communication in print media.”