Australian property data is generally poor. Australian auction clearance rates and private treaty information has lost credibilty and vendor…

Australian property data is generally poor. Australian auction clearance rates and private treaty information has lost credibilty and vendor…
By Jim Collins advocating having one years plus income in the bank seems to me like putting the financial management of your business in th…
Before you take Jim Collins’ prognostications too seriously, read The Halo Effect with its damning indictment of Collins’ methodology and hi…
While I agree that the article failed to be clear on the fact CommQuest has not yet been placed in receivership, I think confidence in the c…
I’d just like to point out netbooks main buying point is not only because it is cheap, but because it is enough. For most users, being able …
As a part time property investor, until now I have sat on the sidelines to see what will happen. It’s good to see a couple of view points …
Scott at CommQuest also says The Age article says investment banker John Wylie spent $6 million buying a 20% stake. “They put in close to $3…
Taking advantage? Reminded me of an article Chris Thomas wrote a few weeks back about how companies can use Twitter function….
It’s easy to say “I told you so” but there’s always different opinions about the state of the economy and the best time to take risks. For e…
Dirty word? I have been an entrepreneur since 1994, welcome to my world. …
Buy your competitor? In the ICT sector, a suite of opposing drivers lurks behind the ‘relatively unchanged’ M&A market recently. The demise …
I am that man who stuck his hand up (Entrepreneur is not a dirty word), and you are absolutely right that I was very bemused. There is obvio…