The number of Kmart and Target stores across Australia is set to shrink as Wesfarmers seeks to review and “rebalance” its department sto…

The number of Kmart and Target stores across Australia is set to shrink as Wesfarmers seeks to review and “rebalance” its department sto…
Objections from workers at an Aldi distribution centre around the “averaging” of shift hours have prompted legal experts to remind SMEs it’…
The spectre of Amazon may be looming menacingly over Aussie retail, but Catch Group co-founder Gabby Leibovich says he’s been taking plenty…
Aussie retailers could soon see yet another influx of new competition, with South African retail giant The Foschini Group (TFG) saying it’s …
Australia might be facing some pretty bleak retail and consumer spending numbers, but in the world of fast fashion, not everyone is slamming…
In 2013, Stephen Jones established online furniture marketplace Furniture Exchange, fuelled by a frustration there was no catch-all solution…
Last Wednesday, administrators announced they were working with the UK owners of the Topshop and Topman brands on “supporting and right-siz…
I am quick to tell people that I have never made a dollar from being the first into anything. I have, however, made a comfortable living fro…
Nearly 100-year old South African clothing retailer The Foschini Group (TFG) made its first major Australian acquisition yesterday, picking …
Potential rescuers are already starting to emerge as administrators start to review the books of the collapsed Australian franchise of Tops…
Amazon looks primed to enter Australia’s supermarket wars, but even as analysts suggest it’s getting ready to rumble with Coles and Woolwor…