Haircare for kids: Mimi debuts in 530 Chemist Warehouse stores across Australia


Mimi founder Emma Mackenzie. Source: Supplied.

The founder of a kids-focused haircare brand is celebrating her products rolling onto the shelves of 530 Chemist Warehouse stores across the country after she found a solution to the battle many parents face when trying to look after their kids’ hair. 

While Brisbane-based MIMI was initially launched as an e-commerce brand in April 2022, its founder Emma Mackenzie’s long-term strategy has always been aimed at pharmacy retail.

MIMI is also currently in the process of its first capital raise to fuel growth plans for the next three years.

With the personal care needs of children aged 5-12 underserved globally and the market projected to reach US$137.11 billion by 2030, Mackenzie is gearing up for MIMI to lead the category with plant-based product solutions.

Mackenzie told SmartCompany the national presence of Chemist Warehouse ensures the brand’s products are readily available across the country, for customer’s convenience, which was the perfect fit for MIMI.

“Moreover, I sought a partner who could not only help grow the MIMI brand but also align with our values,” she says. 

“The collaboration with Chemist Warehouse has exceeded expectations.

“The buying and marketing teams have been phenomenal to work with. Their dedication to understanding our business and creating strategies that drive both sales and brand awareness has been invaluable.

“I feel a huge sense of accomplishment seeing the products on shelf. Knowing that I am making haircare safer and easier for Aussie families is my reward.”

Taking the stress out of haircare for kids

Mackenzie launched MIMI after embarking on an 18-month mission to develop a solution for kids and their families because kids’ haircare is stressful.

“Ask any parent, and I guarantee that they will agree, tears, tantrums, and constant negotiations,” the mother of two explains. 

“When looking for products that could help my family, I found very few that were appropriate for children. 

“Those that did exist were mass-produced, ineffective, and comprised synthetic ingredients. 

“Baby haircare lacked the vigour required to combat the effects of my children’s active lifestyles, while adult products were too abrasive for their sensitive skin and eyes. 

“I recognised that the global market for children’s haircare was underserved and was determined to do something about it.”

MIMI’s focus for the next 12 months is on increasing awareness and growth within Chemist Warehouse Australia, with the goal of expanding internationally into their New Zealand, China, European, and UAE stores.

Mackenzie says she had grown the business to where it is today by keeping her operations lean with the goal of scaling.

“I understand it’s not for the faint-hearted,” she says. 

“Often, I am a one-woman band, but I’m supported by incredible supplier relationships, a supportive family, and a network of highly talented individuals I can call on for advice.

“I also maintain an obsessive work ethic. The cosmetics industry is competitive, so I’m always thinking about what’s next and how we can improve. 

“As a mother of two incredible kids aged 6 and 8, it’s a juggle, and I rarely switch off, but I love it; it suits my personality. 

“I’m proud that I can involve my children in the business, as they are part of our advertising efforts, and I have the flexibility to attend school events. Life is challenging enough; performance should be based on output.”

Mackenzie adds that MIMI focuses on the problem of making life easier for parents. 

“Staying on track and reverting to this focus in every decision has led the business to where it is today,” she says.